IN-PERSON at A Touch of Madness (Observatory, CT) | Mon 20 June 2022 | 19:30 SAST
This is an IN-PERSON event only Zizipho Bam is a South African poet, copywriter, and visual storyteller based in Cape Town. Born in 1996, the award-winning poet creates work that seeks to heal. Her forthcoming debut collection explores the topic of love and how we relate to one another and the world. Using the body and its experience as inspiration, she reimagines mental illness, loss, and physical and childhood trauma through written and performance poetry to turn her story into a work of art. She has taken part in and won various slam competitions including Word n Sound and Poetry Africa. Her poetry has graced online audiences in South Africa, the US, Sweden, and Kenya. She is published in collections like Yesterdays and Imagining Realities: An Anthology for South African Poetry, Woven with Brown Thread, New Coin and New Contrast. Zizipho is one of the National Poetry Prize winners for 2021.
Off the Wall Poetry - Cape Town's longest running poetry meetup - affiliated to The National Writers Association of South Africa
This even will be held at A Touch of Madness in Observatory, Cape Town THERE WILL BE NO ZOOM READING ON THIS DATE