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IN-PERSON at A Touch of Madness (Observatory, CT) | Mon 28 March 2022 | 19:30 SAST


This is an IN-PERSON event only Sarah Uheida is a 23-year-old Libyan poet and experimental memoirist who received her Honours in English Studies from Stellenbosch University, South Africa. At the age of 13, Sarah and her family escaped the Libyan civil war and immigrated to South Africa where she is currently residing. She was the recipient of the 2020 Dan Veach Prize for Younger Poets and the Miles Morland Foundation Writing Scholarship for her upcoming fictionalised memoir, This is How We Lost that Beautiful Animal Happiness. Her work has featured or is forthcoming in anthologies such as HarperCollins' HarperVia, New Contrast, Eunoia Review, the South African, Atlanta Review and many others.

Off the Wall Poetry - Cape Town's longest running poetry meetup - affiliated to The National Writers Association of South Africa

This even will be held at A Touch of Madness in Observatory, Cape Town THERE WILL BE NO ZOOM READING ON THIS DATE


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