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Updated: Feb 7, 2022

Monday 07 Feb 2022 at 19:30 SAST


Athol Williams is renowned for his literary and advocacy work to foster a more ethical society. He has authored 18 books, including 6 books of poetry. His most recent books, Whistleblowing and Deep Collusion stem from his experience of testifying against state capture and corruption, which eventually forced him into exile. He is a two-time winner of the Sol Plaatje European Union Poetry Award as well as four other literary awards. Over 100 of his poems have been published in journals and anthologies worldwide. Athol holds 6 degrees including masters from Oxford and Harvard.

Join Zoom Meeting If our featured poet agrees, their reading is recorded. The link to the recording will be sent to the members of our email distribution list after the reading. Off the Wall Poetry - Cape Town's longest running poetry meetup - affiliated to The National Writers Association of South Africa Join Zoom Meeting


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