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A Brief Statement on Elisa Galgut and The Red Wheelbarrow

Writer's picture: OTWOTW

Some in our community will be aware that Elisa Galgut was disinvited from a reading for The Red Wheelbarrow Poetry Collective on the basis of political views attributed to her by others.

As we understand it, Red Wheelbarrow made no attempt to give Elisa an explanation for their decision, or to discuss the views in question.  

We, the committee of Off the Wall, of which Elisa is a member, think this is an unconscionable way to treat a fellow poet. 

We believe art, expression and free thought can only thrive in an environment where open dialogue on difficult issues is accepted and indeed encouraged, and where people need not fear censure on the basis of their beliefs, actual or perceived. 

Off the Wall has always striven to create such a space, and we will continue to do so.  

For her part, Elisa has done nothing but serve our small community, including offering her own resources to create a gathering place for us all to enjoy each other’s work when our regular venue became unsafe. 

This is a fraught time -- and day -- in history. As poets and lovers of poetry, part of our role is to cherish nuance and retrieve the personal from the flattening force of political rhetoric. Off the Wall will continue to uphold these values.

Julia Smuts Louw

On behalf of The Off the Wall Volunteers  


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